Wednesday 5 February 2014



(Do see the problem section in the end)

In simple language, Beowulf Clustering is used to connect a computer with its allies such that the resources can be shared for faster processing.

I've followed the following link.
It's better to open this in a tab as well.

** It is recommended that all the computers being connected have same version of Linux.

1. Add the nodes to the hosts file
You can check the ip of your machine by opening the terminal (Alt+Ctrl+T) and typing the following command -

 Ip is shown in wlan0 --> inet addr --> (it'll be different for your pc)

 2. Defining a user for running MPI jobs
   $ sudo adduser mpiuser --uid 999

The uid is unique for the cluster and it can be as per your choice.

 3. Install and setup the Network File System
A folder called mpiuser would have been created by now in your home  folder along with your root directory. The files in this folder will get shared to the slave machines.

4. ssh command -  ssh (SSH client) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine.

Problem Section

1. Make sure that you login the terminal as root. For that type sudo su and the password.

2. If there is a problem in installing nfs-kernel, ignore it for the time being.

Hope all's well..!!